This one recently sold on ebay, not as a George Chuvalo autograph but as a Julio Cesar Chavez autograph. If you look close enough I guess you can convince yourself you see a "J", "C", "V" and "Z" in there somewhere?

Item number: 230556270137

PSA/DNA # K67499  verify
This is an Cut Signature that has been hand signed by Julio Cesar Chavez. Julio signed this one, "Keep Punching." It has been authenticated by PSA/DNA and comes with their sticker and matching certificate.

The world's leading autograph authentication experts have been pooled together by PSA/DNA to examine and certify your previously signed autographs. That's not all. PSA/DNA uses state of the art technology to protect your genuine valuable collectible from any foul play. Once an item is deemed genuine, the item is marked with invisible DNA-laced ink that is naked to the eye but verifiable through a specially calibrated infrared laser. In addition, a Certificate or Letter of Authenticity (LOA) that ties our service with your genuine autograph will accompany your item. With our unique alphanumeric number, any interested party can verify authenticity online even as items change hands time after time.
Sold For:
US $29.00

Does the PSA Chavez even come close to a real Chavez?

authentic Chavez

authentic Chavez


George Chuvalo exemplar #1

George Chuvalo exemplar #2

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George Chuvalo exemplar #3